Why should you take a FREE questionnaire? Most people don’t have a clue about their investments. Riskalyze helps you understand your current investments and empowers you to make smarter choices. And it's free. Everyone loves free! Cha-ching!
Investment portfolios shouldn’t be solely based on broad categories (age, time horizon, number of dependents) - it should be based on YOU and how YOU want to invest. Using Nobel Prize winning Prospect Theory, Riskalyze assigns a specific number to your risk tolerance, aka the Risk Number, which will be the basis for making investing decisions. Along with expense analysis, spend down calculations, and many other tools Riskalyze has to offer, you will have the benefit of simplifying your investment strategy by aligning your investments with your Risk Number.

Estate planning can be intimidating, especially when booking (and paying) for an attorney to walk you through the process. What most people don’t realize is that their estate plan, while maybe needing some level of modification, is pretty simple. That’s why we are now bringing people the opportunity to walk through our Will and Revocable Living Trust process BEFORE committing to any payment. Much like a tax preparation program that lets you test drive the process and pay (or cancel) upon completion, you can create your plan and only send it to an attorney to review and draft IF you are satisfied. If this plan ISN’T for you, we will let you know and try to get you connected to appropriate resource.

Financial alignment – Important. Estate Planning – Vital. Integrating your financial and estate worlds to strategize future wealth accumulation – NOW YOU'RE TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR FUTURE!
If you’ve taken advantage of our free stuff and want to explore getting on a financial road map to success, we offer planning powered by RightCapital. RightCapital’s bank level security allows you to confidently sync your outside accounts, credit cards, and insurance products in order to bring your financial world to one interactive location. From here we can work together on budgeting, saving, goal setting, and start looking at how certain changes may impact your future. Too many times people build their financial platform with hopes that their plans will work. With RightCapital, we can run probability, cash flow, and tax analyses on various planning strategies BEFORE we initiate them.